腾讯娱乐讯 2013年2月18日 香港 视帝黎耀祥与汪明荃等前晚到澳门出席贺年活动,黎耀祥除了大唱多首歌曲外,更卖力与观众握手及派月历卡,虽然现场有保安作人墙式保护,但观众仍然疯狂围着黎耀祥,令他几经辛苦之下才能全身而退。黎耀祥在活动后接受电话访问,指观众在过年特别兴奋,并表示自己没有受伤,更透露原来是抱病上阵,他说:“怀疑感冒菌入肠,之前还发烧和拉肚子,食了中药才敢上台。”
汪明荃则以性感高衩旗袍献唱多首贺年歌,但当唱出首本名曲《热咖啡》时却不慎唱漏嘴,对此她说:“真是惨,唱少了一段,只能跳舞遮掩。”她又透露从不庆祝情人节,所以没有收到礼物,但不时与现身在巴黎的丈夫罗家英(微博)(微信号:luojiayingvip ) 以微信保持联系。
TVB king- Wayne Lai and Liza attended a new year event on 18th Feb 2013. Besides singing to the audience, Wayne Lai also distributed new year cards and shaked hands with the audiences. Despite having many security guards at the event to control the crowds, all the enthustatic fans went to surround wayne like a swarm of bees, causing wayne lai to face diffculties when he made his way through. Wayne Lai also received a call interview during the event. He mentioned that the audience gets too excited and hyped in a new year, but he did not get hurt. He added that he was sick, he was even having stomach uncomfy, diahorrea and fever earlier on, but he had taken strong medicine before attending the event.
My thoughts: Wayne Lai is really a responsible and commited celebrity. Besides being sick/just recovered, he still attended the event. I always love how he greet his fans, with great love and care :))
My thoughts: Wayne Lai is really a responsible and commited celebrity. Besides being sick/just recovered, he still attended the event. I always love how he greet his fans, with great love and care :))
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